On Sunday, August 10, the preacher and celebrant at Trinity Episcopal Church, Oak Bluffs will be the Rev. Stephanie Spellers. Services begin at 9 a.m. The church is opposite the Steamship Authority wharf in Oak Bluffs.

Reverend Spellers is the author of Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The Other and the Spirit of Transformation. She is also priest and founder of The Crossing at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Boston. The Crossing is a new worship community shaped by the voices and cultural expressions of young adults and people of color.

She just completed a three-year term as the Cox Fellow and minister for radical welcome at St. Paul’s Cathedral. A consultant and member of the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Domestic Mission and Evangelism, she travels the country speaking and teaching in faith communities seeking to embrace transformation, reckon with their fear of change and welcome cultural groups that mainline churches often hold at the margins.