

First, the bad news: I incorrectly reported last week that Herb Ward’s talk at the Federated Church Parish House about his great-grandfather, Capt. Levi Jackson of the Mertie B. Crowley, was to be last Sunday night. The good news is the talk is actually tonight, at 7 p.m, and all are welcome. A $10 dollar donation is suggested. Herb will explain how 14 people were saved off Wasque in 1910. More nautical stories! I’ll see you there.

Betty Cormier visited her grandchildren on Island in time for her July 9 birthday. The charming girls, Cheyenne and Monique, were thrilled to have her, as were their parents, Joe and Renae. Betty was here during one of our hottest weeks, but that didn’t slow her down from shopping, beaching, walking, and playing. And thank you, Betty, for helping the girls walk my three dogs!

Jim Hart entertained his friends of many, many years, David and Isa Wilson, at his lovely home last week. David and Isa are originally from Scotland but now reside in Florida. Jim and David began work the same day in December 1957 at Bradley International Airport (then just called Bradley Field) in Windsor Locks, Conn., working for Eastern Airlines. The friends visited, toured the Island, and caught up on old times. I was so pleased to be invited to meet them.

Also staying with Jim last week were Bruce and Donna Cuthbertson from Port Hope, Ontario. They had met old friends of Jim in Canada, Gerda and Gurnta, who suggested a stay on Lennie’s Loop would be a most pleasing way to celebrate Donna’s recent retirement. Donna certainly doesn’t look old enough to retire, I swear. This was their first ever visit to Martha’s Vineyard Jim made sure they caught all the important points. The Cuthbertsons took the Island bus tour, went shopping, beaching, and out to dinner. Same time, next year?

Javier and Julie Blanco visited Marge and Paul Howes, also on Lennie’s Loop, with their children, Aidan and Olivia. Both kids were fresh from Spanish camp in New Jersey, preparing for their month in Madrid with paternal grandparents, Angel Gomez Moran and Felisa Blanco Matus. The family enjoyed the beaches, the Flying Horses, shopping and dining out. I know Marge and Paul were prepared to purchase their first glass of wine at Zephrus when they all gathered for dinner one evening. Ditto for the Black Dog. I do hope to see the kids again this year.

The Mansion House presents another free workout class, open to members and non-members, on Sunday, July 25 at 5:30 p.m. This program has been so successful, it will continue through August. I’ll see you there.

Anniversary bouquets go out to Ed and Lil Colligan on July 28.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Sapna Bahal and Tyler Burt today. Tomorrow is a party for Librada Garza Clark, Millie Gerber Lockington, and Judy Gersh Worthington. July 25 is shared by Tom Colligan and Larry Conroy. July 26 honors Sal Esposito, Amy Hambrecht, Sarah Swift, Rory Elizabeth Mayhew, Kellie Burtch, and Doug Liman. July 27 shines on Vicki Burrows, Liz Masi, Buntie Bahal, Megan Honey, Michael Cobban, Bruce Hunter,Connie Campbell, Theo Cowett and Caleb Enos. July 28 belongs to Andrew Chappell, Sarah Moreis, Keiko Corey, Alan Campbell and Jane Martin. And on July 29 Gerry Franzago, Chris Cimeno, Michael Desrosiers, and Douglas Sabin take the cake. Many happy returns.