Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Nov. 19 6:35 4:18

Sat., Nov. 20 6:36 4:17

Sun., Nov. 21 6:37 4:17

Mon., Nov. 22 6:38 4:16

Tues., Nov. 23 6:39 4:15

Wed., Nov. 24 6:41 4:15

Thurs., Nov. 25 6:42 4:14

Fri., Nov. 26 6:43 4:14

The full moon is Sunday night. It rises in the eastern sky about the same time as the sun sets in the west. The moon is near the star cluster Pleiades, in the zodiacal constellation Taurus.

The moon will be so bright that it may be hard spotting the small assembly of stars in a tight group. Binoculars will help. The cluster is west of the moon.

This will be one of the highest full moons of the year. The full moon in December and January are also high, especially noticeable if you are outdoors around midnight. Look for a moon shadow.

Next month there will be a lunar eclipse.

The bright planet Jupiter is high in the eastern sky after sunset and will be easy to spot well into the night. Except for the moon, Jupiter is the brightest celestial object in the evening sky.

Venus, the brightest morning planet, is visible low in the southeastern sky just before sunrise.
