Editor’s Note: Ricky Vanderhoop died Oct. 14 at home in Aquinnah at age 60. A funeral was held on Oct. 18 in Aquinnah followed by a potluck celebration of his life. Steve Ewing is poet laureate of Edgartown and a Vanderhoop family friend.


For Ricky

He ran swift
Like the deer
Alive in thick wood
His chest stood out
He ran proud
Sure of his stride
Of his lightness
In the forest
Sure of his strength
Alive and running
Strong wind blew
All about him
He was safe
He ran for the joy
Of running
Into the strong wind
His gaze was fixed
As he ran he smiled
Like so many
Who ran before
When he arrived
At the great gate
It opened wide
He slowed
He walked in
His head was high
And as the light
Fell on him
He knew
He was home

           — Steve Ewing