Chilmark welcomes the ghosts and goblins of Halloween as they descend upon us this weekend. The Chilmark Volunteer Firefighters are hosting the annual get together for the children of the town with many treats and the usual exciting costume judging. It is a fun time and the Chilmark Community Center is always full of creations great and small, and some of the excitement is trying to tell the kids from the parents! We are all kids at this time of year. Many thanks to Katie Carroll and all her helpers who head up this festivity every year. The hours are from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. and then the trick or treating begins in town. Please be careful if driving in Chilmark during the witching hours.

Another annual event requires our attention on Nov. 2, Sunday night, when we change our clocks from daylight saving time to standard time. We are instructed to fall back, or set our clocks back an hour. If you object to the shorter, darker day you can move to Arizona or Hawaii, the only states that avoid the clock changing.

Please keep Bud Mayhew in your thoughts. He is slowly recovering at Massachusetts General Hospital where they and we are hoping that he will be moved to a rehab facility soon.

We send good wishes to Valerie Murphy who suffered an unfortunate fall last week and has now been released from Massachusetts General Hospital. She is at a rehab facility in Hyannis. We all hope to see her at home soon.

Remember to vote in the state election on Nov. 4 at the community center from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. It all means something to each of us who live here, even if at the moment it seems not. We need to vote and be counted. We are welcome to drop by the Chilmark Church for a bit of pizza and fun, available every Tuesday evening at this time of year. They begin serving at 6 p.m.

Please note that the selectmen’s meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 5, this week.

Fran Flanders with her daughters Julie, Chris Fielder and Beth Welsh and her husband, Jim, enjoyed a festive luncheon at Farm Neck to send off friends David and Trissie Vives and Pam Price to their winter destinations. Pam and Trissie are daughters of popular Chilmark resident Sheila Price, who now resides in a Virginia retirement home. We hope they take her good wishes from all her Chilmark friends.

The fall season is allowing me to catch up on some details that I have missed over the summer. We all send congratulations to Julie Flanders and to Chris Murphy, two Chilmarkers recently appointed to the Martha’s Vineyard Museum board. Good luck from us all!

The roadsides are still lush with fall colors, take time to take a ride around town before the next wind blows!

The 34th Women’s Symposium will be held on Saturday, Nov. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Chilmark Community Center. This time the subject matter for the speakers is Aha! Moments. After the guests speak, there are group discussions and refreshments. All women are welcome. Donations are appreciated.

We send best wishes to Barbara Day of West Tisbury, who is currently at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital recovering from a recent fall and hip surgery. All her Chilmark friends and family join others in wishing her a speedy recovery.

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