Any resident of Edgartown ambitious to climb Mt. Everest doesn’t have to go far to find a challenging training ground. No, not Mt. Washington, formidable as it may be. Neither Chilmark’s Prospect Hill, which tops off at the dizzying height of 302 feet. I’m talking about the towering snow mass in Edgartown’s Post Office Square.

If you thought that last year’s snow pile set a record, you should take a look at this one. It rivals our new library in size and could function as an off-season tourist attraction. Stand at the foot of this snow-clad peak, take your binoculars and see if you can espy the summit of this new Wonder of the World.

Turns out the ice cap on the North Pole has not vanished after all. It has found a new home right in our town. And every time we think the sheer walls of this alpine structure are beginning to look soiled, a new blanket, white as the driven snow, gives it a new pristine cover.

The police department should rope off this icy behemoth lest, with the arrival of milder weather (should it ever come), visitors will be swept away by an avalanche. Children should be kept from scaling the north face of this massif. We don’t want them to disappear in a crack when fog rolls in.

Already, bets are being placed on how long this pile is going to last. Optimists bet on Easter, realists on the Fourth of July. What with climate change and all that, I say Labor Day.

Peter Dreyer is a year-round resident of Edgartown.