Apparently no one got the memo regarding taking one’s shoes off before stepping on the new Chappy Point pavement—it’s presently all scuffed up and has lost its luster. The seagulls, noticing our disregard, renewed their shell droppings too. Just can’t have anything nice here.

There are now two entrances to the Chappy-side ferry line, approximately five yards apart. I greatly prefer the second entrance—so much more grand. I’m not certain what the plans are for the naked medium between the line and the road, but I’m digging the minimalist approach of dirt. If they put the project out to bid, however, I’d like to propose a row of vending and slot machines. Tastefully executed.

Exciting news on North Neck is the grading of the road. I was tempted to rush outside when I heard Tom Osborn’s tractor rumbling, and chase behind it like I would the ice cream truck and malathion sprayer back in my Pittsfield days. But I was holding E, and he doesn’t like it when I run with him on a leash.

I saw Lucy and Donna Enos in Espresso Love, enjoying a refreshing beverage. I learned that Lucy is a member of the high school’s Irish Club. I also discovered that the club is planning a trip to Ireland in the near future. I suggested France but they seemed dead set on Ireland for some reason. According to Lucy, trips like these require a decent bankroll to properly secure passage and lodging (unlike in my day when all we needed was a nickel, a tuna sandwich and a good pair of flippers to travel to Europe). In light of this financial burden, I offered to sponsor a Lucy Goes to Ireland day at the golf course, where the public is welcome to play and half of that day’s proceeds will go directly to Lucy’s travel fund. More details later, but dust off those clubs and get ready for some worthwhile golf in the very near future!

Looking for a place to discuss books? Ellen Sole will be leading a discussion on the nonfiction book, The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown on June 24 at 10:30 a.m. at the CCC. This is a riveting story of the American boys who rose out of the Depression in a quest for Olympic gold in 1936. All are welcome to attend.

Looking for a place to discuss local politics? The Chappy Ferry holds three-minute forums about 100 times a day, daily.

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