Q. 1 — Sitting South, with North dealing and no one vulnerable, you hold:

♠ K 5

♥ A K Q 5 3 2

♦8 5 3

♣ J 4

The bidding has proceeded as follows:

North                    East                   South                    West
1♣                       Pass                   1 ♥                       Pass
1NT                      Pass                   ?

What do you bid?

A.— Not 3 ♥ ! That’s a nonforcing bid showing a six-card suit and 10-12 points, including two for the fifth and sixth hearts. With an opener opposite an opener, you want to be in game. Bid 4 ♥.

Q. 2 — Sitting South, with East dealing and both sides vulnerable, you hold:

♠ A 10 5 4

♥ A K 6 3

♦ 6 4

♣ A 10 5

The bidding has proceeded as follows:

East                      South                     West                              North
2♦*                     DBL                       3 ♦                               3 ♥
Pass                      ?


What do you bid?

A.— 4♥. Usually you need 17-point support to bid again after doubling. In this case, though, partner is inviting game and you have prime values.

Q. 3 — Sitting South and dealing, with East-West vulnerable, you hold:

♠10 7

♥ A K Q 9

♦ A 4 3 2

♣ 10 7 6

The bidding had proceeded as follows:

South                        West                       North                         East
1♦                            Pass                       1 ♥                            Pass

What do you bid?

A.— Don’t go crazy with your heart support. Bidding 3♥ would show 16 to 18-point support. With 14-point support including your spade doubleton, a simple raise to 2 ♥ will suffice.

Q. 4 — Sitting South, with North dealing and East-West vulnerable, you hold:

♠9 3

♥K 7 3


♣ K J 10 8 7 5 2

North and East pass. What do you bid?

Assume the two passed hands have about eight HCP apiece. You have seven. That leaves West with about 17. This is a perfect opportunity to preempt. With favorable vulnerability and unbalanced distribution giving you better prospects than the usual three-level preempt, bid 4♣ .