The state highway department has provided Tisbury with a new set of plans for the Beach Road redesign project, which is set to resume in September. 

Now posted on the town website, the 34-page document appears consistent with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s last-stated plans for the heavily traveled corridor, town administrator Jay Grande said Thursday.

“There’s no inconsistencies that I am aware of. However, our engineers and our department heads will look at it,” Mr. Grande told the Gazette.

A full explication by state engineers will have to wait until after the summer season, he said.

“The reason I expedited getting these plans is … a citizen ran into some workers and (they) apparently gave him some concern as to the direction the plan was headed,” Mr. Grande said.

“But we do not have the benefit of having the presentation by MassDOT at this time.”

State highway officials and the town select board will meet before the Beach Road work resumes next month, Mr. Grande said.

“I don’t anticipate a start date until well after Labor Day.”

— Louisa Hufstader