The red spotted purple is one of two varieties of brush-footed butterflies that have the scientific name Limenitis arthemis.
Wasps, especially yellow jackets, have been out in full force, and folks are noticing and fearing them.
Rust tide is in the news again, reported recently in Long Island waters.
Though edible, stout razor clams are not often seen at fish markets or on menus.
Should you whine if you have wineberries, an invasive species and delicious delicacy?
It has been estimated that the chance of getting attacked and killed by a shark are 1 in 3,748,067.
Tom Hodgson of West Tisbury has a few turtle tales to tell. 
Annual cicadas have emerged and lore suggests that the first frost occurs six weeks after they begin to sing.
Nature is full of curiosities and interesting objects. Two natural mysteries had my attention last week.
Known as the ‘perfect perennial,’ daylilies are revered for their ease of care.
Damselflies are members of the order Odonata, which also includes the more familiar dragonflies.
Giant snails (and a man that fished them) dominate my psyche and sadden my heart.
