Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau might have been onto something when he defined happiness as “a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion...
Why write about pinkletinks — also known as spring peepers everywhere but the Vineyard — at this time of the year? We are all preparing for winter by...
Woolly bear caterpillar
The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which claims its forecasts are 80 per cent accurate, predicts that our winter weather will be colder and drier this year,...
Ladies, hike those skirts up! That might just be the only way to avoid tangling with the house centipede high-tailing it for the shelter under your...
cedar berries
Dick Jennings has a reason to be blue. His beloved red cedar trees on Cape Pogue are bare of blue berries. Naked, scaly branches offer no lunch for...
What’s up tonight? The answer is definitely Jupiter throughout October. Have you noticed the solar system’s largest planet in the night sky this...
Go Purple! Whether on the field with the cheering crowds and uniformed players, or in the high grass with late blooming flowers, you are likely to...
Don’t blame the goldenrod. The sneezing, itching and irritated eyes and nose are not caused by the fabulous yellow blooms that are shining golden...
oakworm caterpillar
The way to this caterpillar’s heart is through its stomach. No doubt you are familiar with the eating machine that is the subject of this week’s...
It’s Derby time and all across the Island, anglers will be spinning fish tales. Some will have only stories, while others with more skill (or perhaps...
Tomato Hornworm
There is nothing I appreciate more than hearing from folks with inquiries, observations and article ideas. Susan Gomez and I ran into each other in...
spider crab
Portly, slow and trashy are only complimentary to a spider crab. Spider crabs, also called portly crabs, need little introduction.
