Victoria Campbell has always been a storyteller, with the Vineyard providing some of her earliest inspirations.
Matthew Heineman's latest documentary film, The First Wave, goes to the front lines at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens during the...
The latest documentary by Island filmmaker Len Morris, A Culture of Caring, takes an upbeat, engaging tour of the increasingly diverse food equity...
The independent film Heartworm is looking for extras for a scene to be shot this Thursday, Nov. 11.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, in partnership with the YMCA, brings to a close its drive-in movie season with a mini film festival this weekend...
The latest show-business take on Martha’s Vineyard is Our Kind of People, a nighttime soap airing Tuesdays on Fox.
Home is never far from Miriam Louise Arens’s mind.
The Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival is more than an armchair trip around the world this year — it also travels back in time.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is teaming up with several Island groups for a disability film festival next week.
Filmmaker Stanley Nelson’s highly personal documentary A Place of Our Own had a rare big-screen showing Tuesday night at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum...
The Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival is back on the Island this summer, with more movies than ever.
The seventh annual documentary week film festival arrives next week, hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society.


Arts Briefs

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is teaming up with several Island groups for a disability film festival next week.

The Main street miniplex reopens Friday with Cruella and A Quiet Place Part II, and Jaws on Sunday night.

Six film festivals are in the works for 2021, including the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival in September.
