HARVARD VISIT: The Brazilian history and culture class and the advanced placement European history class visited Harvard where they were the guests...
Announcing Rose Robyn and Simon Athearn are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Rose Hope Athearn. Rose was born on March 24, 2012 at...
Harlow Arrives Elizabeth Blaydes and James Hannah Jr. of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Harlow Brewer Hannah, born on March 19 at the...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 (vhavenvgazette@yahoo.com)
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 (kathleencase@comcast.net) I hope you all enjoyed the small taste of summer that we had. Of course, we all knew it was...
Margaret Knight 508-627-8894 (margaret02539@yahoo.com)
Dexter Arrives Carolina and Daniel Cooney of West Tisbury announce the birth of a son, Dexter Patrick Cooney, born on March 21 at the Martha’s...
Easter Bazaar The Ladies Auxiliary will host a bake sale and Easter Bazaar on Saturday, April 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs VFW....
HOLLY NADLER 508-274-2329 (hollynadler@gmail.com) Tips for O.B. travelers to Elle Aye, a new spelling I invented for Los Angeles: First and...
Master of Arts Susan Johnson of Vineyard Haven was awarded a Master of Arts in art education from Boston University in January.
Positive Impact South Mountain Company, an employee-owned architecture, building, and renewable energy firm in West Tisbury, has been recognized...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº March 23 64 52 .00 March 24 67 47 .00 March 25 56 43 .01 March 26 52 40 .03 March...
