THE REAL MENEMSHA Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
From Gazette editions of March, 1935: While telephone wires were busy with inquiries as to whether all or only part of Edgartown was being...
It’s funny the memories we keep. There are the expected ones: a first kiss, college graduation, family holiday celebrations. And the not so...
Signs Matter Character is in all the little features, those details that form the individual nature of a place. On the Vineyard, it’s in the split...
Chappaquiddick’s Long and Winding Road Is a bike path really needed on Chappy, the last rural outpost on the Vineyard? It’s hard to say and there...
Efforts to Help Haiti Volunteers of the Martha’s Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project are hosting a potluck supper, Saturday, March 6, at the...
Celebrate Cub Scouts Vineyard Cub Scouts will celebrate scouting anniversary week with a celebration called the blue and gold banquet. The...
The plan to build a distributed antennae system (DAS) to boost cell phone coverage in the three up-Island towns appears to be moving ahead without...
The police officers’ prayer Chaplain David Berube offers his colleagues at the Oak Bluffs police department begins with the words: “Lord, I ask for...
The United Way has given a $4,000 challenge grant to support the Red Cross Martha’s Vineyard Preparedness Initiative. Greg Orcutt of Vineyard...
Cum Laude Hannah M. McGlynn, of Edgartown, was graduated, cum laude, from Boston University in January. She was awarded a bachelor of science...
Dean’s List Zachary Waller, a sophomore in the college of arts and science at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., was named to the dean’s list for...
