Artist Brian Kirkpatrick has teamed up with Refried Tees to create a new collection of T-shirts. Mr. Kirkpatrick’s folk art style, representing...

The IMP improv group is beginning its fall season. On Saturday, Oct. 4, from 1 to 4 p.m., IMP is holding a drop-in class at Alex’s Place at the YMCA...

Two filmmakers have been on-Island for about three weeks following around sword maker Michael Craughwell for a show which will air on the Discovery...

It’s time again for the 17th annual Manhattan Short Film Festival. It is billed as the world’s first global film festival.

Tragedy has a way of striking its targets indiscriminately. No family, no matter how privileged, and no place, no matter how magical, is immune....

On Saturday, Sept. 27, Featherstone is hosting an artists’ studio tour to provide an up close and personal look at the creative process.
