President Johnson recently remarks: - “Mercy has been slain. Let us now take care that Justice is not slain also.”
Another mercantile firm of New York, has added its proffer of $10,000 toward the half million fund proposed to be offered for the capture of Jeff Davis, which makes $30,000 already proffered.
It is proposed to raze Ford’s Theatre, and to raise on its site a monument to President Lincoln.
Gen, Halleck has taken command at Richmond.
Lieutenant General Grant hastened to North Carolina immediately on the reception at Washington of Gen. Sherman’s misarrangement with Gen. Johnston; and on the 25th of April Gen. Johnston surrendered all the forces in his command, on the same terms that Gen. Lee surrendered his forces. As Gen. Johnston’s command extended to the Chattahooche, this arrangement puts an end to the great war in the United States.
Now that the war is being brought to a close, that was forced upon this nation four years ago, by southern rebels, with a view to support slave-holding interests, the Administration will soon have leisure to examine into Mexican affairs, and ascertain, by careful inquiry whether the Government of Maximilian is the result of desire on the part of the people of Mexico, or if Maximilian has been forced upon the people of that nation and maintained as a ruler, by the aid of foreign bayonets. If it is found that Maximilian is not the choice of a majority of the Mexican people, but a ruler forced upon them by the intrigue of European despots, by the strong arm of power - at a time when it would have been impolite in the United States Government to have openly indicated what policy she designed to pursue in relation to the Empire established by Maximilian, still as the Empire has never been officially recognized by the United States Government, the Administration may yet manifest disapproval of a violation of the Munroe doctrine, in a manner that will prove detrimental to the Empire and to Maximilian as ruler of that Nation.
We have not the slightest expectation - the war having been brought to a close - that the Administration will tamely submit to, or tolerate the subversion of the republican institutions of Mexico. As the United States Government undoubtedly stands at the head of Democratic Governments it is certainly within her province to exercise a protective care over republican governments, more particularly when on this Continent such governments are menaced with a war of subjugation, set on foot by the intrigue of tyrants, inimical to republican institutions, and to all free governments; to assume the protectorate of the republican government of Mexico, and thereby thwart the machinations of foreign despots, whose design it is to subvert democratic principles in that distracted nation; to openly avow a determination to firmly adhere to the principles contained in the Munroe doctrine as the settled policy of this Government. This nation is now in a position to enable it to maintain such a policy, and we doubt if any other government would deem it prudent, at the present time, to forcibly dispute the right of the United States to the position assumed.
After a war of four years in behalf of liberty - by the help of Providence - the people of the Northern States have succeeded in removing the shackles that bound the [black] race in servitude, but while this notable work was being done, the devil has again stolen into paradise, and as a counterpoise to that worthy achievement, attempts the overthrow of the Mexican republic, but whether success will crown his efforts of defeat be his portion, will depend much on the action of the United States Government in taking position regarding the Munroe doctrine.