Sunrise Sunset

Fri., July 15 5:19 8:14

Sat., July 16 5:20 8:14

Sun., July 17 5:21 8:13

Mon., July 18 5:22 8:12

Tues., July 19 5:23 8:11

Wed., July 20 5:24 8:11

Thurs., July 21 5:24 8:10

Fri., July 22 5:25 8:09

Tonight’s full moon appears low in the southeastern sky after sunset. The moon is in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius and is inching towards the zodiacal constellation Capricornus. The full moon this month is called the fisherman’s moon.

Next month, the full moon appears higher in the east in the constellation Capricornus.

In the week ahead, the moon advances through the zodiac, dominating and lightening the evening sky with its brilliance. On Wednesday the gibbous moon rises at 10:30 p.m. and appears in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. The moon is fairly close to the distant planet Uranus, too faint to see without some type of optical aid. Some amateur astronomers can spot Uranus with binoculars on a very dark night, but it takes effort, experience and help from a star chart.

The ringed planet Saturn is high in the western sky after sunset. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. The planet is to the west and above Spica, the brightest star in Virgo.

Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, appears below the zodiacal constellation Aries. You have to stay up late to see it; the planet does not rise in the east until about 2 a.m.
