A recent call to Betty Burton was answered this way.
“Oh, one second, my hands are stuck in cookie dough.”
Ms. Burton wasn’t just making a few holiday cookies, though. She was deep in about nine different kinds of dough to create and distribute cookies all around the Island, to places like Hospice and the senior centers.
“Most people don’t have time these days to make cookies, so I try to pick up the slack,” she said.
But cookies are only one way Ms. Burton picks up the slack. She is food obsessed but not for her own dinner table. Ms. Burton’s focus is food insecurity and making sure hungry Islanders have enough to eat, all year long and especially around the holidays.
About 15 years ago, she started Family to Family dinners, distributing free holiday dinners at Thanksgiving and Christmas. This Thanksgiving Ms. Burton, along with over 40 volunteers, gave out over 250 dinners. She expects to give out at least as many dinners on Dec. 20, when the Christmas meals are ready. The meal includes a turkey or turkey breast, stuffing, bags of potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, all to be cooked at home.
“Just about everything you need for a making the meal, and it’s all fresh,” she said.
The distribution is from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 20 at the First Baptist Church parish house, located at 66 William street in Vineyard Haven.
But while the meals are free to everyone in need, it does take money to purchase the food. Churches around the Island help with donations but that doesn’t cover all the costs — a $25 donation provides an entire meal.
“Many different people are in need,” Ms. Burton said. “The elderly on fixed incomes, the unemployed, those with disabilities, people who are new to this country.”
To make a donation, send a check for $25 to Box 4685, Vineyard Haven, 02568, with the check made payable to Family to Family.
For more information, call Betty Burton at 508-0693-5339. And be sure to ask her for a cookie recipe or two.
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