Chilmark is thawing in spots, but winter lingers with lots of snow in some places. The bright sunshine makes the winter landscape picture-perfect and I can now see the tips of my daffodils poking through the ground, always a hopeful sight.
First, a heads up to our senior citizens: there is a proposed bus trip to Boston for a day at the Museum of Fine Arts scheduled for March 2. The Tisbury Travel Club has put out a call for folks who might want to go as they need 40 people to make the trip and need 13 more to sign up to make that number. It is open to all adult Islanders. Please call 508-696-4205 if you have questions or want to join the trip.
Here is another way that we can help Sue Larsen and others who have suffered and survived breast cancer: there is a Web site where a daily click from your computer can help raise funds to offer free mammograms to those who can’t afford them. The site is breastcancersite.com/clicktogive — so simple and easy and so appreciated.
Best wishes to Bill Smith who is at home recovering from recent surgery to his arm. We hope the cast will be off soon!
There is a family night film tonight at the library at 7 p.m. The film is Bee Movie and the Friends of the Library who host this program offer popcorn and drinks for all.
Next week, Feb. 24, the library will offer chowder and a movie at noon. The film will be His Girl Friday, a 1949 flick with Cary Grant. Chowder and drinks are provided free of charge.
Liz Gude will speak about her projects in Haiti at the Chilmark Church service on Feb. 27 at 9 a.m. Liz has been donating her time and energy to causes in Haiti for many years.
How about a winter part-time job right in your own backyard? The Census Bureau is hiring local people to go door to door in their own neighborhoods counting the population. There is a test for applicants that is given at the Community Center every Tuesday this month at 2 p.m. and, again, at 6 p.m. The counting will begin in early March and continue into May. The part-time job will pay a salary and mileage. Meg Orlando will be happy to tell you more about it; please call her at 508-645-9665. There is also a Web site for information: 2010censusjobs.gov.
The Democratic caucus met at the Community Center last Saturday and elected Ben Starr and Susan Strane as representatives to the state Democratic convention in Worcester on June 5. They will help nominate a candidate for governor.
The Smokin’ Flamingos musical group contributed to the success of the annual Caribbean night festivities at the Community Center last Saturday. Funds raised go to Chilmark School extracurricular activities.
Friends of Eric Cottle may call on him at the Henrietta Brewer Nursing home in Vineyard Haven. His Chilmark friends and family wish him well.
The artwork of the Chilmark School students is currently on display in the meeting room of the library through the month of March.
Tim and Elise Quinson are the owners of the new house going up behind their old house on Menemsha Crossroad. Tim is the son of Jane Leventhal, a family with a three-generation history of Chilmark seasonal living.
The Chilmark library is now a regular on Facebook. Those of you — and I know you are out there — who frequent that site on the Internet can catch up on events happening at the library. It is fast becoming a small world!
Carol Brown Goldberg, well-known artist and seasonal resident of Peaked Hill, is enjoying winter art shows in Mexico this year. Her paintings have been shown in Monterey and Mexico City. We look forward to seeing her new works here this summer.
The week to come is vacation week for the Vineyard school students and the hush will be heard all over town as families head for mainland vacation spots following either sun or snow. Cheers to all for a happy time!
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