
The question all the people that are sharing the Baltimore orioles on Lambert’s Cove Road, and now one in Oak Bluffs, are asking is, why are they...

Our Southern Ocean trip is still fresh in our minds. We have visited Chatham Island with you but we still had many miles of ocean to go. The...


The weather on the proposed date (Jan. 3) for the Christmas Bird Count wasn’t fit for man nor beast. Rob Culbert made an excellent decision and...


There are very few people in the world who would take a vacation to the Southern Ocean. Flip and I and 60 others are part of these few. The flights...


The news of the week has to be centered on snow. Twelve inches of it in my yard, and reports of 16 to 18 inches up-Island. For those of you who...


This is the start of the quiet time for wildlife on the Vineyard. Fall migration is essentially over, with the possible exception of a few hawks that...
