The Vineyard weather has been the pits, so I hear. I flew to Florida to join Flip to bring our boat back to the Vineyard. While you have been under...


June can be a slow time for bird watchers, but a great time to do some behavioral observations. Our local migratory bird species are back on Island...


Ellen, aka Lefty, Leverenz e-mailed me and attached two photos of downy woodpeckers that she had seen at her Chilmark feeders. She did so because the...

Forster’s Terns

Bird watching or birding, you may call it what you wish, is great hobby, occupation, form of relaxation, and more than anything else is an ongoing...

Sandhill crane

Late spring can be an interesting time for Vineyard birders. Although the migration of dicky-birds as well as shore birds, waterfowl and hawks has...

The results of Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary’s annual Bird-a-thon tops the news for this week. A total of 119 species were observed from 6 p.m. on...
