State senator Dan Wolf will be a guest at the January meeting of the Democratic Council of Martha’s Vineyard at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11 at Howes...
Help is available for those needing assistance in signing up for the SNAP/food assistance program.
The state Department of Agricultural Resources will allow comment until Feb. 18 on utility's plan to use herbicides to control vegetation under power...
A Vineyard Haven resident pitches a plan to Island selectmen to develop a rural roads manual. Other places have done it successfully, including...
Rising service costs have prompted modest increases to passenger fares, the last of which were approved last week by the advisory board for the...
The Edgartown dredge has been called in to help remove a large delta of sand that was Hurricane Sandy's legacy to the Great Pond last year.
The former director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid under President Obama and part time Chilmark resident addressed a gathering of about 25...
Visual impact, neighborhood concerns and questions about future use were all factors in the 4-3 commission vote against a large church expansion...
Island boards of health prepare regulations for fertilizer use to limit leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus into ponds and coastal waters. The...
Amidst public scrutiny of NStar’s vegetation management practices, senior arborists from the utility company addressed concerns of Tisbury residents...
The latest version of the budget is just over $10 million, an 8.2 per cent increase over last year. The finance committee and town accountant in West...
Steamship Authority governors will wait for the appointment of a new Falmouth governor before resuming discussion on the Woods Hole terminal...
