The Martha’s Vineyard Commission cleared the way late last week for the demolition of a historic house overlooking East Chop Drive, unanimously approving the plan to raze 19 Mill Square Road.
Home demolitions — in particular historic home demolitions — have flooded local review authorities in recent months, testing historic commissions, architects and homeowners.
The Harbor View Hotel has sued the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, challenging the conditions attached to the recent approval of an expansion to the hotel’s spa, calling them unduly onerous, irrelevant and even illegal.
The $7 million phase one plan by the high school to overhaul its athletic fields — including a 100,000-square-foot artificial turf main field — has been a flashpoint for debate and controversy in the Island community.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission approved a project to tear down a historic summer cottage in East Chop, weighing the benefits of responsible rebuilding against the loss of history.
Two major state and federal grants announced this week will help launch phase two of a Martha’s Vineyard climate change planning initiative and stem Island food insecurity during the ongoing pandemic.
A plan to raze and rebuild a historic house on East Chop Drive will be decided soon by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, after a public hearing closed Thursday night on the demolition project.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission is retroactively reviewing the demolition of a historic Oak Bluffs cottage that was torn down prior to referral, causing confusion.