Islanders Ponder How to Handle Rising Tides

In a climate change panel hosted by MVY Monday, experts discussed how to strategically plan around rising tides, a concept known as managed retreat.

Island Community Chorus Seeks New Members

Island Community Chorus welcomes new members to join the chorus.

Paul Jackson's Home Bequeathed to Agricultural Society

The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society will be able to offer affordable housing for three farmers this summer, after the late Island homesteader Paul Jackson bequeathed his Edgartown home and garden to the organization.

Girls Lacrosse Season in Jeopardy Due to Ref Shortage

The team has nine games remaining and referee coverage for only three of those games. A home game on Thursday with Sturgis West remains questionable.

Community Services Wins Grant to Shore Up Workforce

Martha’s Vineyard Community Services was awarded $685,000 from the state to fund a two-year effort to bolster its workforce for community-based behavioral health and other social services.

Effort to Restore West Tisbury's Trees Starts to Take Root

Two towering American elms are returning to West Tisbury for the first time in decades after the species was wiped out by Dutch elm disease.

Edgartown Backs "Magic Bus" Battery Grant Plan

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission pitched the Edgartown select board Monday on an effort to use Vineyard Transit Authority electric bus batteries as a potential power source for water pumps in emergencies.

High School Committee to Seek Resolution in Turf Field Dispute

After an executive session Monday, high school committee chair Robert Lionette said the committee directed its attorney to reach out to the Oak Bluffs planning board to resolve the ongoing lawsuit.

Fernandes Secures Cape and Islands Funding

State Rep. Dylan Fernandes has secured $1,165,000 for the Cape and Islands in the fiscal year 2024 Massachusetts House of Representatives budget.

Fauré and Franck Lead the Way at Community Chorus Concert

The Island Community Chorus’s annual spring concerts are when Vineyard audiences can count on hearing a major choral work, from start to finish and accompanied by professional instrumentalists from both sides of the Sound.
