Early Whaling Voyages: Outfit of a Vessel in 1765

An antiquarian friend has furnished us with the following list of stores places on board the schooner Lydia, Peter Pease, master, which vessel left Edgartown for Davis’ Straits, on a whaling cruise, in the year 1765: -

New Light House at Gay Head

We learn from Samuel Flanders, Esq., that a light house is to be erected at Gay Head the coming fall. It is to be located about five or six rods back of the present one. The light, at an altitude of 60 feet, will be seen by mariners over Noman’s Land, which will be of great service. A new dwelling house is also to be erected. An appropriation of $13,000 was made at the last session of Congress to cover the expense of constructing these buildings.


The Vineyard Camp-Meeting

This meeting was commenced on Wednesday, the 18th instant, at Wesleyan Grove, and was more numerously attended than on any previous year. The greatest number present was on Sunday, when it was estimated there were between four and five thousand persons on the ground. In Providence and the neighborhood the Methodists were disappointed in chartering a steamer for the occasion, and many (estimated at 1,500) were therefore prevented from coming; yet, so great was the increase, upon former years, from other places, that the decrease from this quarter was much far more than made up.

The New County Road

THE NEW COUNTY ROAD, between Edgartown and Holmes Hole, is in a good state of forwardness; that portion lying within the Tisbury boundary, we believe, is entirely completed. We passed over the road a day or two since, and are free to confess that we consider this the greatest improvement to locomotion ever made on the island. Through a considerable portion of the route, the road is already as hard and as handsomely finished as any turnpike we ever passed over.

Town Meeting

The following business was transacted at the adjourned [Edgartown] town meeting, on Wednesday last.

The tenth article of the warrant, relative to the support of Nancy Michael, was taken up. -


A Black-fish of the whale species, was found run ashore in the Menemsha Creek at Chilmark, on Sunday last, at a depth of about three feet of water. He was nineteen feet long and is expected to yield about three barrels of oil.


Another Storm

We hardly need remind our readers of the gale which occurred on Saturday night last; it was palpable enough to fix itself in memory for some tine to come. It is only necessary for us to say that it has rarely, if ever, been surpassed in violence by any occurring: in this region.
In New York the storm was very severe - houses and churches were blown down, vessels were driven from their quays, the trees in the
streets, squares and parks were torn up by the roots, liberty poles, &c. &c., were prostrated before the breath of the storm.

Our Wharves

Last season Osborn’s wharf, at the foot of Main street, which had for some time been much out of repair, was rebuilt in a very substantial manner. This summer the wharf belonging to Messrs. Daniel Fisher & Co., and directly below their extensive Oil and Candle Factory, has been entirely re-built in a superior style. The piles upon which the wharf stands are pine, the bark perfectly whole and secured by copper nails, which will keep the worms from the wood for a great length of time.*

Distinguished Guests

The Hon. Daniel Webster and lady, accompanied by Miss Downs, daughter of Commodore Downs, arrived in this town on Monday afternoon, and took rooms at the Edgartown Hotel. He went blue-fishing on Tuesday, and caught two-thirds of the fish taken, notwithstanding he was accompanied by extra fishermen.
Mr. Webster, we learn, will remain here till Saturday, previous to which time it is his intention to visit the far-famed promontory of Gay Head.
The Hon. Henry Clay, it is said, will visit our island in a short time.

An Account of Articles Taken by British Forces

An account, in value, of sundry articles taken from the following named persons, by the British Forces in Edgartown, between the tenth and fifteenth day of September, 1778 - said articles consisting of grain, potatoes, cabbages, clothing, swine, leather, lumber, naval stores, salt, craft, provisions, herring, house goods, ‘sarce.’
