
Keeping It Simple on the Water, Hauling Traps and Filling Pots

It's hard to miss Wayne Iacono as he sails out of Menemsha harbor.

Statewide Ban on Lobstering Approved, With Exemption for Vineyard

State fishing regulators overwhelmingly approved a first-of-its-kind seasonal lobstering ban to protect the North Atlantic right whale on Thursday — but exempted Vineyard.

Seasonal Ban on Lobstering Aims to Protect Right Whales

With the North Atlantic right whale population at a dangerously low ebb, the state Division of Marine Fisheries is proposing a statewide seasonal ban on lobstering.

Lobster Stocks Found in Steep Decline, With Future in Doubt

Southern New England lobster stocks have declined to record lows in recent years according to scientists and regulators, jeopardizing the future of a storied fishery.

Environmental Police Investigate Lobster Deaths

Massachusetts environmental police are investigating an incident in Menemsha involving the death of a commercial fishermen’s lobster catch.

Buoyed by Student Lobster Permits

At seven o’clock on a Sunday morning, most students would still be asleep. But Otto Osmers and Chris Mayhew were wide awake and eager to pull their 25 lobster pots obtained on a state student lobster permit.

Lobster Molting Is a Journey of Recycling

Lobsters are “indeterminate growers” meaning that they grow their entire life.

Being Raised the Natural Way, Lobsters and Venison Included

I always liked spending time with my father when I was young, the bench seat in the red Dodge Ram always felt so big and comfortable.

Belly Up to the Claw, It's Lobster Time On Martha's Vineyard

Butter stained tables line the dock of Menemsha harbor where on summer evenings fresh lobsters are eaten off paper plates as the sun sets on another Vineyard day. Finger licking is required, bibs are optional.
Lobsters are a celebration says Larsen’s Fish Market owner Betsy Larsen.

lobster rolls

Slice of Heaven in Those Lobster Rolls

For Danielle Pappas, volunteer at Grace Church’s weekly summer lobster roll sale, three words best describe the event.

“It’s hectic, hectic, hectic,” she said last Friday, making sure to speak loudly across the small, packed kitchen. The room rang with laughter as 20 or so volunteers, wearing aprons reading “Have you hugged an Episcopalian today?” worked feverishly.
