Katama Breach Causes Treacherous Tides, Disrupting Edgartown Harbor

Edgartown officials have begun a major effort to warn boaters of
treacherous tides in the town harbor and Katama Bay resulting from the
breach which has opened at Norton Point Beach.

The direction of the tidal flow has reversed due to the breach, and
currents are running three times faster in the narrows, posing a major
threat of collision, as well as seriously hampering the operation of the
ferry to Chappaquiddick, now the only access to Chappy.

Nursery Man: Mr. Donaroma Builds Business 30 Years Strong

From his earliest years, Michael Donaroma could not help but be
aware of the bipolar, us and them, have and have not division of
Martha's Vineyard society.

"My father left when I was two," the Edgartown
businessman and selectman recalled this week, on the eve of the 30th
anniversary of the nursery business which has carried him across to the
have side of that social divide.

Yacht Club Expansion Project Reveals Town Access to Harbor

A proposal by the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club to replace its building
on Vineyard Haven harbor has opened the door to a unanticipated
discussion about public access to water.

The Martha's Vineyard Commission, which is reviewing the
club's plan as a development of regional impact (DRI), has delayed
its decision due to concerns about a little-known section of public
beach next to the yacht club at the end of Owen Little Way.

Edgartown Selectmen Lead Initiative to Join Ocean Wind Turbine Proposal

Edgartown Selectmen Lead Initiative to Join Ocean Wind Turbine


With Edgartown in the lead, the Vineyard is poised to join with
Nantucket and Cong. William Delahunt in pushing for the establishment of
an offshore energy zone to harness wind, wave and possibly tidal energy
from waters between the two Islands.

The move is a first step toward the goal of making the Islands
energy independent.

County Manager Defends Decisions

Edgartown Selectmen Lead Initiative to Join Ocean Wind Turbine


With Edgartown in the lead, the Vineyard is poised to join with
Nantucket and Cong. William Delahunt in pushing for the establishment of
an offshore energy zone to harness wind, wave and possibly tidal energy
from waters between the two Islands.

The move is a first step toward the goal of making the Islands
energy independent.

Notice of Lawsuit Filed on Cape Wind

Notice of Lawsuit Filed on Cape Wind

Town of Barnstable and Citizen Groups
Take Formal Steps, Preparing to Sue
State Environmental Secretary.


Voters in Chilmark Hand Victory to Incumbent: J.B. Riggs Parker Prevails

Notice of Lawsuit Filed on Cape Wind

Town of Barnstable and Citizen Groups
Take Formal Steps, Preparing to Sue
State Environmental Secretary.


School Committee Adopts New Budget; Town Votes Needed

Notice of Lawsuit Filed on Cape Wind

Town of Barnstable and Citizen Groups
Take Formal Steps, Preparing to Sue
State Environmental Secretary.


Notice of Lawsuit Filed on Cape Wind

Setting up another potential roadblock for the offshore wind farm proposed in Nantucket Sound, the town of Barnstable and two groups of Cape Cod citizens last week filed notices of intent to sue the state’s top environmental official for his endorsement of the project.

The three separate notices serve as formal appeals of the certificate signed last month by Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Ian Bowles, who found that developers of the Cape Wind project had fulfilled their environmental review requirements on the state level.
