Polly Hill Arboretum Seeks Candidates for Internships

Applications are due March 4 for horticulture and greenhouse internships at Polly Hill Arboretum.

Ivory Silk Lilacs Join Oak Bluffs Streetscape Plan

The Oak Bluffs select board voted 4-0 to approve Ivory Silk Lilac trees to line Circuit avenue after a recommendation from Polly Hill Arboretum executive director Tim Boland.

Sgt. Nicholas Curelli Rises to Acting Lieutenant

Sgt. Nicholas Curelli of the Oak Bluffs police department was appointed acting lieutenant by the select board.

At Poole’s Fish Market, a Summer Job Offered a Lifetime of Learning

In the early 1970s, I spent summers working at Poole’s Fish Market in Menemsha.

Recent Real Estate Transactions: Week Ending Feb. 18

Charles Sennott and Julie Sennott purchased 5 Tree Frog Lane in Chilmark from Stephen J. Maclellan and Pauline H. Maclellan for $1,753,000 on Feb. 14.

Debra Milasincic purchased 42 Slough Cove Road and 12 Loon Cove Way in Edgartown from 27 South Street SPE LLC for $8,275,000 on Feb. 14.

Jose Carlos Ribeiro and Valtiza Borges purchased 2 Teaberry Lane from Donald F. Rogers Indiv. and Trs. and Helen E. Rogers Family Realty Trust for $810,000 on Feb. 15.

West Tisbury Town Column: Feb. 25

And so begins the quietest week of our island year, with many people gone on quests for snow or sun or surf.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: Feb. 25

A bright light has left our lives. Everett Poole passed this week at age 91.

Edgartown Town Column: Feb. 25

On Saturday we had a small blizzard. Sunday and Monday were sunny and beautiful.

Chappaquiddick Town Column: Feb. 25

Many houses are torn down or even lost to fire on Chappy, but they are quickly replaced by new houses.

Chilmark Town Column: Feb. 25

Congratulations to seasonal Prospect Hill-er Sarah Levy, who has been awarded the Legal Services Award.
