Whiplash Weather

The weather pattern this February has my head spinning. We get snow, wind and very cold temperatures, then 50 degrees and rain.

Airport Wrangles With Wastewater Upgrade

The Martha’s Vineyard Airport is scrambling to find grants to offset $6.8 million in necessary updates to its wastewater system or the costs will be passed on to its business park tenants.

Distinct Patterns

Connie Alexander thought she was lucky.

Taking Care

Snowy owls are stocky and pretty much control the area around them.

Abutters Take Exception to Agricultural Use in Residential Area

The definition of agriculture is under scrutiny by the Oak Bluffs zoning board of appeals, as neighbors butt heads with a landscaper operating on a property owned by Goodale Construction Company.

Truck Crashes Into East Chop Home

A truck crashed into a home on Church street in Oak Bluffs yesterday, sending its 69-year-old driver to the hospital.

New Covid Cases Drop Sharply

New cases of Covid-19 continue to drop sharply on the Island, with 28 cases reported for the week ending Saturday, Feb. 19, down from 74 the week before.

Everett Poole, Chilmark Town Moderator for 45 Years, Dies at 91

Everett Poole, a man of few but essential words who personified a way of life on the Menemsha waterfront, died Monday, Feb. 21 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. He was 91.

A Third Grader for Life Suits Creator of Arthur Just Fine

Seasonal Vineyarder Marc Brown says goodbye to Arthur on television and hello to a new book that chronicles 45 years of channeling Arthur's third-grade adventures.

Parity and Disparity on Display

Memories are sparked in many ways, connecting life and lives in circles at times concentric but not always touching.
