
Vineyarders in the San Francisco Whaling Fleet

The following named Vineyarders are officers of the whaling fleet for the season of 1901 sailing out of San Francisco:

Steamer Narwhal - Alonzo M. Ripley, second mate.

Steamer Balaena - Ward P. Vineen, first mate.

Steamer Beluga - H. H. Bodfish, master; Andrew W. Look, first mate; Thomas G. Fisher, fourth mate.

Bark Gay Head - Charles W. Fisher, master; Tisdale S. Pease, first mate; Abram L. Joab, fourth mate.

Steamer Alexandr - B. T. Tilton, master.

The Passing of a Whaler

On Wednesday the former whaling schooner Hattie Smith was granted new documents at the Custom House here and her port of hail changed to New York. She is the last of Edgartown’s once extensive fleet of whaling vessels, and the present is the first time since the days of the Ship Apollo in 1818 that Edgartown has not had a vessel of the above character hailing from the port.

Death of Samuel Osborn, Jr.

Hon. Samuel Osborn, Jr., of Edgartown, died at his residence on Summer street last Friday evening at about eight o'clock, after an illness of several months of Bright's disease and accompanying complications.

The Smith Arrives with a Good Voyage

Whaling schooner Hattie E. Smith, Capt. John E. Johnson, Jr., arrived at Edgartown late Saturday evening, with a catch of 450 barrels sperm oil to Samuel Osborn, Jr. The Smith sailed May 21st, 1894, therefore absent less than six months. The vessel was in all the severe October gales, and was blown off, sustaining some damage to rigging and sails, and was running short of provisions. Sunday morning at about 11 o’clock the Smith sailed for New Bedford, where she will discharge her oil.

Whaleships Captured and Burned by a Rebel Privateer

The London Shipping Gazette of Sept. 27, contains the following report made by the British ship Cairngorm, at London from Sydney:

Early Whaling Voyages: Outfit of a Vessel in 1765

An antiquarian friend has furnished us with the following list of stores places on board the schooner Lydia, Peter Pease, master, which vessel left Edgartown for Davis’ Straits, on a whaling cruise, in the year 1765: -

Our Wharves

Last season Osborn’s wharf, at the foot of Main street, which had for some time been much out of repair, was rebuilt in a very substantial manner. This summer the wharf belonging to Messrs. Daniel Fisher & Co., and directly below their extensive Oil and Candle Factory, has been entirely re-built in a superior style. The piles upon which the wharf stands are pine, the bark perfectly whole and secured by copper nails, which will keep the worms from the wood for a great length of time.*
