Vineyard Gazette
The airfield on the central plain of Martha’s Vineyard is beginning to shape up as something more than raw earth, mud, and the destination of building materials trucked over the roads from the st
World War Two
Naval Auxiliary Air Facility
Martha's Vineyard Airport
Maia Coleman
Seasonal service has resumed at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, nudging up traffic numbers that have lagged for more than a year, airport director Geoffrey Freeman said during a brief meeting of the airport commission Thursday.
Martha's Vineyard Airport
Aliyah Walker
Ten years ago, Anthony Piland Jr. was an aspiring pilot doing a student job shadow at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. This summer, he is flying into that same airport as a Republic Airways captain.
Cape Air
Martha's Vineyard Airport
Noah Asimow
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport reported a major jam-up of private jet traffic over the weekend, much of it stemming from President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash. Airport manager Geoffrey Freeman said private jets crowded the tarmac at the small airport all weekend, draining fuel supplies.
Barack Obama
Martha's Vineyard Airport


Once a wasteland of mismanagement and neglect, the airport business park — under new leadership — is shaping up and filling up. And, with plans to polish the park’s image already under way, the business park will prove an appropriate addition to the much anticipated new terminal complex.
After a good 45 minutes of arguing over semantics, the Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission last week approved a plan by county manager Carol Borer to provide administrative assistance and staff support to the Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission and the airport manager.


Six years after a master plan was commissioned for the Martha’s Vineyard Airport in an attempt to make an asset from an eyesore, significant changes are beginning to take shape.
The first tenant in a new 63-acre airport business park off Barnes Road is already on the site and, when utility lines are put in place sometime in the year ahead, other businesses are expected to move in rapidly.


The Martha’s Vineyard Airport became the property of the county yesterday afternoon with the passing of the papers at the courthouse. Until now the title has remained in the federal government where it was vested at the time of World War II when the field was constricted as a naval air facility.


The county commissioners have signed a twenty-year lease for the operation of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. The decision to do so was announced by S. C. Luce Jr., chairman of the county commissioners, at the close of a public hearing in Edgartown Monday afternoon when the overwhelming sentiment of the participants was that the long term lease be signed.


The county will assume control of the airport at the former Martha’s Vineyard N.A.A.S. tomorrow, Saturday, June 29, and the field will hereafter serve air lines, private and charter planes, and instructors, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the county.
