The nonprofit, which has been providing medical flights for Islanders in need of critical care for decades, introduced its new Cessna Citation CJ4 airplane last month and it has already made six flights to the Vineyard.
The primary runway at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport was shut down Saturday afternoon after a plane crashed off the runway while attempting to land.
A U.S. Coast Guard aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport Thursday, after one of the plane’s engines malfunctioned during a routine drill four miles off the coast of the Island.
Harbor reservations are at an all-time high, ferries have robust bookings and the airport is bracing for its annual onslaught of private and commercial planes.
Another strong budget surplus is expected for the Martha’s Vineyard Airport this year, airport officials said this week.
The Martha's Vineyard Airport and the Edgartown water systems were honored by the state Department of Environmental Protection this week.