Every morning, members of Coast Guard Station Menemsha head down to the West Dock, past the old fishing shacks on Basin Road, to begin their day’s work. The station’s 23 members hail from all over the country.
The men and women of Coast Guard Station Menemsha agreed that June Manning's exemplary spirit of giving and "just because she's June" merited some small town, down home recognition.
Robert Riemer is getting to know his crew and looking forward to learning the ropes of Island life. His career in the Coast Guard has spanned Alaska, Woods Hole and Puerto Rico, along with several assignments at stations in New York.
His four-year Vineyard run has been marked by a historic fire, an award-winning crew and a record number of law enforcement boardings. Now it is time for a change of command for senior chief Jason Olsen at the U.S. Coast Guard Station Menemsha.
With crisp fall air sweeping over Menemsha harbor, the U.S. Coast Guard Station Menemsha was presented Monday morning with the prestigious Sumner I. Kimball Readiness Award, one of the highest awards in the service.
“Display that with pride,” sector Southeastern New England Cmdr. John Kondratowicz said after the pennant was raised on the station’s flagpole. “It’s not just an effort of one individual; it’s a team effort overall.
The summer crowds and seasonal yachts have left Menemsha and were replaced this week by a 55-by-185-foot barge and crane for construction of the new U.S. Coast Guard boathouse.
The large barge arrived Tuesday night in Menemsha harbor, tugged in by the Jaguar of New Bedford and the Patrick J. Hunt of Narragansett, R.I.
“It’s finally here, which is a great thing,” said Lou Vinciguerra, project manager for the Coast Guard boathouse.