Kate Dario
For Eric Reubens, the path to becoming valedictorian paradoxically began once he started focusing less on his grades.
Regional High School
Kate Dario
Alone and together, the regional high school class of 2021 persevered. Graduation is Sunday at the school baseball diamond, with a public parade set for Saturday morning along State Beach.
Regional High School
Kate Dario
When the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School class of 2021 processed onto the varsity baseball infield, families clapped, cheered and rang cowbells, nearly drowning out Pomp and Circumstance.
Regional High School
Maia Coleman
The Martha’s Vineyard regional high school district committee voted Monday to apply for a sixth time to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) grant program.
Regional High School


The Regional High School football team went down to its fourth defeat of the season Saturday in a game with Nantucket at War Veterans’ Memorial Park in Vineyard Haven. The score was 14 to 8.


Having lost only one game out of six this season, the Nantucket High School football team came to Veterans Memorial Park Saturday and added still another victory to its record by defeating the Regional High School team 26 to 0. Nantucket’s power and experience accounted for everything, although neither of those qualities made any real showing until the final quarter, when the Nantucketers really got all gears meshing.


An estimated 200 people stood squinting in the brilliant, hot sun Sunday afternoon, and watched Gordon Kelvin White and Robert Eldridge White Jr. raise the United States flag slowly to the top of a tall aluminum flagpole set in front of the new Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Before that Rev. Thomas H. Lehman had offered a short prayer; and after that, Mrs. Wilfrid O. White merely spoke the words that were inscribed in the base of the flagpole she had given the school, and on which her grandsons had run up the flag.


The Vineyard said YES.

The regional school agreement was adopted by a sweeping vote in all six Island towns at the special town meetings held Tuesday evening. Here are the figures:

                        Yes     No

Chilmark...........76     4

Edgartown.......309   73

Gay Head...........32    1

Oak Bluffs.......213   96

Tisbury............327   208

West Tisbury......93  16

Total...........    1050 398
