Vietnam Moratorium Day was observed quietly in various parts of the Vineyard Wednesday - by children building peace symbols on the Menemsha sand; worshipers at a morning Eucharist service and an evening prayer service at Vineyard Haven’s Grace Episcopal Church; a solemn handful who listened to the names of Massachusetts’ war dead being read, high school students attentive to blues-rock music and a dozen who shivered after dark with candles in their hands outside the West Tisbury Congregational Church,


Sgt. Jon L. Grimmett, the son in law of Mr. and Mrs. Petronio Ortiz of Vineyard Haven, was killed in action in Vietnam on Jan. 24. He was 21 years old and had been in the service two years, the final six months, to the day, having been in Vietnam. No details beyond this fact have been made known to the family.


The people of the Vineyard were bowed in sorrow and sympathy this week for Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hagerty of Vineyard Haven, who have been officially notified that their son, Sgt. William T. Hagerty, a medical corpsman with the 173rd Airborne, was killed in action on Nov. 20 in the assault on Hill 875 in Vietnam.
Trouble threatened to flare up last Friday afternoon in front of the former A. & P Store in Edgartown, where Mrs. Robert W. Nevin of Ed­gartown and Woollcott Smith of West Tisbury were collecting signa­tures on a petition to Congressman Hastings Keith urging him to bring their concern over the Vietnam policy to the attention of Congress.

It’s Time to Stop Bombing North Vietnam and Begin Negotiation Now!

“The present impasse can be broken and a halt put to the increasingly horrible slaughter and destruction of the Vietnam war only if one side or the other shows the wisdom and the courage and the compassion for humanity to take the initiative on a first step.”
“A cessation of the bombing of North Vietnam is an imperative necessity to create conditions for peaceful talks.”
“Thereupon Mr. Katzenbach said that as interesting as the constitutional issue was, the ‘gut issue here is whether or not the Congress supports the President in what he does...’ “ New York Times, Aug. 22, 1967.
Dear Mr. Katzenbach:
