An Edgartown man who was stabbed last Tuesday in Vineyard Haven died on Saturday at a Boston hospital. Michael Trusty, 45, died Saturday afternoon...
Cafe Moxie
There has been much speculation about 48 Main street in Vineyard Haven ever since July 4, 2008, when fire destroyed Café Moxie and badly damaged...
Kira shipway
The Old Sculpin Gallery was full of lively energy and a crowd of people on Sunday. It was the show for the scholarship winners of the Martha’s...
ray ellis selling next tie
Ray Ellis, the haberdasher, out-earned Ray Ellis, the artist, when his necktie fetched $150,000 for the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust at the...
girl scouts
Freshly potted plants, new shrubs and flowers adorn the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, thanks to Girl Scout troop 80802, whose community project came...
child smiling
Art by Kids Speaks to Kids and More This Thursday, June 23 at 7 p.m. IMP for Kids, the YMCA dance program and Joanne Cassidy’s vocal students are...
Dukes County Love Affair
The Ritz in Oak Bluffs is a dimly lit joint, hot and smelling of beer and smoke, even though people have to go outside to inhale. There’s live...
Escape Via Siberia At the beginning of WWII, as Germany invaded western Poland, many Poles fled east to escape the Nazi occupation. Before long...
Summer Solstice Party Can it be the longest day of the year is already upon is? Well, to take the sting out of the idea that the days will now be...
Models Wanted You are too sexy for your skin, you know it, and now it’s time to let everyone else know it too. Fashion Week is headed our way...
Oak Bluffs Library Open The Oak Bluffs Library is open again after an unpleasant sewage backup forced it to close last week. Library director...
The Polly Hill Arboretum is kicking off their summer lecture season with a celebration of the newly renovated Far Barn. Over the winter the barn...
