Vineyard Haven, April 20. - It was a great surprise to everyone on our Island to learn that Surgeon R. P. M.
Last Sunday, at about ten o’clock, with a high wind blowing from the westward, afterwards more southerly, a fire started in Quampacha Bottom, on Dr.
Mr. Editor: As you have kindly consented to publish any communication from those interested in the public good and well-being of the community, I...
This new summer resort located at West Chop is very beautifully situated on the shores of Vineyard Haven harbor and Vineyard sound, but a few minutes...
The result of Tuesday’s voting is no longer in doubt. The Republicans have carried the country and General Benjamin Harrison of Indiana has been...
  The three parties made the following nominations for county officers to be voted for next Tuesday: -  
A TERRIFIC STORM - Sweeps over the Vineyard Wednesday morning - Wind and rain unlimited - Chimneys, trees and fences laid low - No serious damage to...
Today the Gazette comes before you under a new management. In assuming the responsibility of publishing the same we feel that we are accepting a...
Vineyard Haven, Dec. 15. - Today has been a red letter day in the history of Vineyard Haven.
While the election of Mr. Vanderhoop last Tuesday was not unexpected, the size of the majority by which that result was secured was probably hardly...
Capt. William Lewis has sold to a syndicate of Boston gentlemen all the land, wharf property, &c., of the West Point Land Co., on West Chop,...
At Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. - A large, substantial, square Mansion house, stable and grounds; the house is well supplied with open fire-...
