Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Allison Courtney Brown, to Eerik Meisner, son of Alice Cynthia...

James Pond was the place to be on Tuesday, as fishermen, town officials and others pulled on waders to help clear a channel for herring.

One chapter ends and another begins this weekend as the old Edgartown Public Library is closed to make way for the opening of the new town library.

A $45,000 electric bill? Oak Bluffs town officials were scratching their heads this week over just that. The mystery bill from Eversource dates to...

Katy Djougne Takam and Martin Boris Takam of Vineyard Haven announce the birth of a daughter, Adanya Takam Madzo, born Feb. 29 at the Martha’s...

Oyster harvesting will shift from Sengekontacket Pond to Edgartown Great Pond, and parts of Cape Pogue could reopen for bay scalloping.


News Briefs

Forbes Travel Guide has named the Charlotte Inn in Edgartown a four-star hotel for 2016.

Island nonprofit C.E.O.(Creative Entrepreneur with Opportunities on Martha’s Vineyard) is beginning a year-long series of workshops for women.

Lieut. Col. Sean M. Smith, son of Michael and Lucie Smith of Edgartown, assumed a new post Jan. 29.
