Fishing at Sunset

Well over 1,200 fishermen are registered in the first week of the 66th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. In the first five...

A community organization has formed calling itself Island Climate Action Network (ICAN). The purpose of the group is to promote awareness about the...

Ordnance Operation An ordnance demolition operation is planned on Noman’s Land for Sept. 21 and 22. Originally scheduled for the end of August,...

ted morgan

The Martha’s Vineyard Boy & Girls Club received a pledge of $90,000 from a New Orleans philanthropist last Saturday night as part of a big 90th...

The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) has been awarded a half-million-dollar grant from the federal government to enhance its tribal court and...

house construction site dirt

The dirt is still fresh driving down Middle Line Road and along the way your car collects a coating of brown dust. Still, the road is pristine...
