Aquinnah voters zipped through a special town meeting Saturday afternoon, unanimously approving a series of year-end spending transfers

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank announced Monday that it has added to its beachfront holdings in Vineyard Haven with the purchase of a small property...

Dr. Roger Kligler, a retired internist who lives in Falmouth, takes his golden retriever Bodie everywhere with him. Everywhere except on runs to the...

At the performing arts center, there would have been standing ovations. Instead, applause came in the form of blaring car horns for the regional high...

Zachary A. Dupon has been charged with motor vehicle homicide after a head-on crash on Beach Road Saturday night resulted in the death of another...

Island health officials reported five new positive Covid-19 tests and 54 active cases on Friday as all three down-Island towns were designated high...


News Briefs

Dukes County and the Communication Ambassador Partnership of Martha’s Vineyard are hosting an online public forum to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine on...

Birding, insects and the seashore are the first three themes available in the new Explore Packs from Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary.

The Aquinnah selectmen voted Friday to use housing trust as the developer in a planned affordable apartment complex behind town hall.
