Amy Kurth, a career sales professional and longtime Vineyard resident, has joined the advertising sales team for the Vineyard Gazette Media Group.
Steve Ewing has held the title of poet laureate for Edgartown since 2010. Recently, he collected his poems in a book, called Town Meeting Poems.
The band performed the first winter concert of its nearly 150-year year history Saturday.
The West Tisbury Library offers a Capoeira Workshop for tweens and teens on Tuesday, Dec. 19.
After 149 summers of delighting audiences from down-Island bandstands and stages, the Vineyard Haven Band will perform on street level for its first-...
A group of Island clergy gathered Thursday morning in Owen Park, to march and stand in vigil on the fifth anniversary of Sandy Hook.
Merger talks are now under way between the nonprofit program that provides free tennis instruction for Island children and the YMCA.
A Kemp’s ridley sea turtle found on Chappaquiddick is recovering at a New England Aquarium care center in Quincy.
Is there an angel out there for Chief? Chief is a large, Saint Bernard/Australian Shepherd mix, four years of age.
Handel’s Messiah will fill Edgartown’s Old Whaling Church on Saturday, Dec. 16, beginning at 8 p.m.
Calling all young birders it is time for the Junior Christmas Bird Count.
There will be a community sing and winter concert at the Hebrew Center on Sunday, Dec. 17.
