Harvard Business School professor Joseph Bower is offering a $1,000 prize to a student with the best ideas for how to approach the housing problem.
Island students generally excelled in English language arts and saw lower scores in mathematics, results from state standardized tests show.
School business administrator Amy Tierney hits the ground running each fall, working with school budgets that together add up to about $50 million a...
Ongoing debate over whether to install artificial turf athletic fields or grass fields at the regional high school dominated the district committee...
Islandwide collaboration is crucial to improve health education and mental health support at Vineyard public schools, experts from Georgetown...
The regional high school is investigating a possible hazing incident involving the girls’ field hockey team, the school principal confirmed this week...
The All-Island School Committee took time at a meeting last week to set the tone for leadership and conduct in future discourse.
Resigned, excited or somewhere in between, Island students headed back to school Tuesday morning, their backpacks filled as a new year beckoned.
More than 2,350 Island children will head back to school Tuesday as Island public schools reopen for the year.
John Stevens, longtime educator and principal of the Edgartown School, announced Thursday he will retire next summer.
The district school committee voted Monday to approve a new athletic handbook without requiring same gender chaperones for off-Island games.
A draft policy that would require gender-based chaperoning of sports teams has quickly become a sticky topic for the regional high school committee.
