Louisa Hufstader
State wildlife officials and the Mass Audubon bird conservation group are advising residents to bring in their bird feeders and birdbaths until more is known about a mysterious avian ailment.
Bird news
Mass Audubon


It is September now — a new month and a new stage of avian migration.

It’s about time. We have been waiting for a few species of shorebirds that generally show up in August. Well, sure enough, here they are.

Potential reasons for this low productivity include human disturbance, predation and the weather.

The return of grasshopper sparrows at Katama this summer has been heralded by Island conservationists as a hopeful sign of ecological health.

Everything else eats insects at this time of the year, so why not a harrier?

Two weeks ago it was shearwaters, last week it was the brown booby and now it is a phalarope.
