In the face of growing opposition to a major expansion project at the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard, Tisbury selectmen voted Wednesday night to send a letter of support to the shipyard.


A major expansion and redevelopment project at the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard in Vineyard Haven has cleared a key early hurdle with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA).

The landmark business on the Vineyard Haven waterfront, has submitted an expansive plan to redevelop its facilities.


Sail MVhas entered into an agreement with the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard to become the hosting sponsor of the 2018 Vineyard Cup Regatta.



A small group of boat enthusiasts gathered at Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard for the launching of a wooden skiff last Friday afternoon.

Unlike most significant boat christenings and launchings, this one didn’t call for a lot of ceremony. There were no speeches, no flags or banners flying. A bottle of champagne was present, but no one was interested in consuming it. Only 20 people were in the audience.

Though the little boat will be the talk of the waterfront for years to come, there was nothing flashy about the gathering.