Town waterway regulations were the topic of discussion on Tuesday night when members of the Tashmoo management committee, the harbor management committee and the general public met with the Tisbury selectmen.

In a special working session, the selectmen asked for public comment to clear up confusion over town mooring regulations, especially in Lake Tashmoo. The meeting was scheduled after a summer that saw several public disputes over increased rule enforcement at Lake Tashmoo.


Crackdown at the Harbor: Can It Help Those Who Wait Years for


There's about to be a crackdown in Edgartown's harbor
- new mooring regulations aim to fix a system in which some
boaters have been waiting a generation for a place to put their vessel.

Securing a permanent mooring in any East Coast port town these days
is often a challenge. But in Edgartown's inner harbor - one
of two Island towns that still permit private moorings -
it's practically impossible.
