The Island fishing scene is still buzzing as the 2015 Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby heads into the final week. As veteran anglers...

Musical hero Willy Mason played to his roots on Martha’s Vineyard Saturday evening, headlining a free concert.

The widely-admired matriarch of the musical Taylor family died Saturday at her home overlooking Stonewall Beach in Chilmark, surrounded by family and...

In Alive from Martha's Vineyard, Charlie Nadler’s new comedy album, material comes from the ironies of today’s middle class world.

Efforts to bury the power lines at Aquinnah Circle have reached a milestone, with Eversource agreeing to do nearly all the work for a fraction of...

For the second year in a row, the Vineyard Gazette has been named a distinguished newspaper by the New England Newspaper and Press Association. The...


News Briefs

On Sept. 10 the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard, as a member of Friends of the Animals, conducted another successful spay/neuter clinic.

On Thursday, Sept. 24, Black Uhuru plays the Vineyard, for the first time ever.

The 27th Pat West Gaff Rig and Schooner Race is this Saturday, Sept. 19. The race honors Francis (Pat) West Jr., and is a benefit for Sail Martha’s...
