The Vineyard Conservation Society has begun floating a proposal to ban most single-use plastic bags on the Island, citing the danger the bags pose to...

It was a 10-year tenure that began and ended in controversy, with enough plot twists in the middle to fill a Victorian novel. Sean Flynn, then acting...

The annual shotgun season opened Monday, Nov. 30 and about 175 deer have been taken so far.

In Edgartown the official start of Christmas is Thursday, Dec. 10 as the 34th annual Christmas in Edgartown festivities arrive once again and...

Rosalie Humphreys Powell will display her work in keeping traditional rug hooking alive in an exhibit at the West Tisbury library Dec. 5 to Dec. 31.

Last Friday night more than 40 friends and fans came to the Oak Bluffs home of Stig and Anita Persson to meet artist Jeanne Staples.


News Briefs

The shelter residents have not changed in the past week.

The annual Thanksgiving day Turkey Trot 5K race begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Oak Bluffs Police Station.

MV Screenprinting/Midway Signs Designs won third place in the signshop vehicle category in a national vehicle graphics contest.
