In a change of direction on the Beach Road Project, Tisbury selectmen Tuesday to support a so called “hybrid-hybrid” plan with both a shared-use path...

Oak Bluffs selectmen reversed a decision made two weeks earlier and voted unanimously to reject all bids to restore the failing North Bluff coastal...

Chilmark selectmen on Tuesday signed a lease agreement with the Squibnocket Homeowners Association, formalizing a central feature of a project to...

Did you know the state fossil of Massachusetts is fossilized dinosaur tracks? Wait — did you even know that Massachusetts had a state fossil?

Work is almost done on a $819,000 overhaul project at Niantic Park. Beginning Wednesday, hundreds of volunteers will take part in a five-day build...

On Saturday, WUMB 91.9 FM is coming to the Island to host its first even member concert here, held at The Loft in Oak Bluffs.


News Briefs

Vacationers on Chappaquiddick found a stray cat on the porch and brought it in to the shelter.

Thanks to a newly-upgraded FM signal, mvyradio is now broadcasting to all corners of the Island and other parts of southeastern Massachusetts.

On Friday night there will be a reception for young Vineyard artist Dan VanLandingham at Mikel Hunter’s fashion store, art gallery, cool place to...
