Vineyard Gazette
Mrs. Guy W. Stantial and Mrs.
Woman Suffrage Movement
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard is holding its candidate discussions on Zoom, with no audience participation.
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters of Martha's Vineyard, in conjunction with MV TV, has announced its final two candidate forums for the spring election season.
League of Women Voters


The public is invited and will have a chance to listen to candidates present their positions and ask questions. 


Thank you to everyone who deposited their used inkjet cartridges last month.


Dukes County sheriff candidates fielded questions from a room full of voters on August 30 in one of their last chances to define their differences in style and substance ahead of the Sept. 6 primary.


The League of Women Voters of Martha's Vineyard, in conjunction with MV TV, has announced its final two candidate forums for the spring election season.

The League of Women Voters will host candidate forums prior to the upcoming local elections.


On Wednesday, Women's Equality Day in the U.S., the Martha’s Vineyard Museum will be lighting its building in the colors of the suffrage movement from 7 p.m. to midnight.
