This letter is an appeal to every Islander who cares about the future of our elder population. Every day, the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living Supportive Day Program provides support to the frailest members of our community; support that can’t be found anywhere else.

I am Marvin Rosencrantz and I have an Alzheimer’s story to tell. It is also a story about what the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living Supportive Day Program has done and continues to do to support my family.

I am writing to urge everyone to support the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living in the quest for a new home for the center and the Supportive Day Program.


Dukes County is looking to purchase the former home of the Vineyard Nursing Association to house the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living.

County Manager Martina Thornton told the Edgartown selectmen Monday about a preliminary plan to raise as much as $1.6 million to purchase and renovate the building, which is located near State Road in Tisbury.

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease is difficult for many reasons. On the Vineyard, memory loss groups are indeed as much about providing a place for people with Alzheimer’s to go and feel comfortable, as a way for caregivers to get a needed respite and learn critical information.


Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living Supportive Day Program staff has completed the Dementia Certificate Program for Professionals Levels I and II, the center announced this week. The Supportive Day Program staff also received 20 hours of consultation training. The training and experience will enhance the staff’s ability to provide services and support to individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s or related dementia, and their families and caregivers, the center said.
